C.F. Brewer High School Band ~The Sound of Brewer High~

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31 Jul 2000

The first day of band camp went great!!! Time for new news and some reminders of old news...

We all want to welcome our newest band director, Brian Pollard! He doesn't know everyone yet, so be sure to make him feel at home at BHS.

Mrs. McCormick wants everyone to have shoe polish for the field when we start drill on the 2nd. Spare the couple of bucks and get it. It WILL help you learn you charts.

In order to get a uniform you MUST HAVE an information sheet and medical release from on file with the directors. Seniors get their uniforms Tuesday, so be sure to have the necessary forms in by them, seniors. Junior uniforms are issued Wednesday, sophomores on Thursday, and freshmen on Friday. Band pictures are August 9th, if you don't have a uniform, you can't be in the picture, so get those forms in!

The time and place for the end-of-camp swim party is official, LMRA (Lockheed's pool) 8:15pm Friday, August 6.

Band camp starts late on the 6th, 11:00am. Sleep in. Camp will end at the normal time, however.

I should have the personnel page up by the 4th. Cross your fingers... :)

That's all for the day. See you in band!


26 Jul 2000

The page is finally up, granted there's not much on it yet... as for BHSB news, here goes...

Band camp will start July 31, be sure to bring all the things listed on the letter you should have gotten this summer. Don't forget to bring plenty of water... I don't think it's gonna be cold! Check the schedule for August for dates and times of camp activities.

Band buddy/secret senior sign up will start AUGUST 1. The freshman and seniors are sure to go quick, so choose fast. Sign up sheets will be on the office window Tuesday, Aug. 1.

Payment for t-shirts, shoes, guard uniforms and gloves are due AUGUST 2. Costs are: t-shirt -$15, shoes -$25, gloves(winds only) -$3, guard pep rally uniform -$41, guard field uniform -$40. Hats are also available for $10 and are available until we run out! Upperclassmen who have last year's shoes and gloves DO NOT have to buy new ones this year, but shoes must be approved by Mrs. McCormick or Mr. Duke.

Band jackets will be available for order ONE DAY ONLY -- AUGUST 2. If you didn't get an order form in the mail, and are interested in buying a jacket this year see a director for an order form. All orders must be placed August 2, NO EXCEPTIONS!!

Well, that's all for now newswise. Check the schedule for important upcoming dates. See you in band!